DesignerCon (DCon)

What is DesignerCon (DCon)?

DesignerCon is a convention for artists and designers held annually in Anaheim, California, where many new artist related collectibles were dropped.


“Uprising” and “Bunny Blossom” are two of my favorite DCon drops!

Full Definition:

DCon is a conference for designers & artists held every year in California, and it was one of the live events the VeVe team attended in 2021.

DCon 2021 VeVe

DCon week of 2021 is somewhat notorious within the VeVe community because it immediately followed the week of Golden Moments drops, and was a week of non-stop drops with multiple drops a day, which many users found it hard to keep up with.

Some of the artists featured in the DCon drop include Jermaine Rogers, Tara McPherson, Tristan Eaton and Mister Cartoon.

VeVe has stated that the collectibles from the DCon drop will be some of the first ones to become interoperable and be traded and sold outside of the VeVe app, post IMX migration.

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