Web Wallet

What is the Web Wallet?

The web wallet is a web version of a user’s VeVe wallet accessible at omi.veve.me showing a user’s gem and OMI balance.


I was able to add some OMI to my account via the web wallet.

Full Definition:

The web wallet is a version of your VeVe wallet that is accessible via web browser.

VeVe Web Wallet

The web wallet shows both your gem and OMI balance, and there are options to send gems/OMI to other users and you can also find your wallet addresses here so you can receive gems from other users or transfer in OMI from an exchange.

You can also view your full transaction history in terms of deposits and expenditures within the app.

In the Android version of the app, both the gem and wallet balances are accessible through the app, while the OMI functionality is not currently available on iOS and can only be accessed via the web wallet.

There is also a disabled “payout” button on the wallet, which users will be able to use to cash out their gems for currency once MTL is live in the VeVe app.

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